Many months ago, the Infrared community was made aware of Geoff Young. It was principally his seemingly unique positions on the Ukraine war earned him our attention - we also took a liking to some of his slogans, like ‘Abolish the CIA.’
There was, however, one fatal drawback about Geoff Young’s political existence, and that was the fact that he was running on the Democratic ticket. Thus, I continued to postpone responding to his campaign organizers reaching out to me, because I had already vowed, live, that I would never, ever support Democrats. I had to think about how I could have Geoff Young on, without signaling any promotion or support for his campaign.
I was told that Geoff Young had filed several lawsuits against the Democratic Party before, and has experience dealing with their corruption. So I was open to the idea of bringing him on the stream to talk about that. Still in this new era of politics, with a looming American civil war, I don’t trust Democrats. The Democrats are increasingly a Hiterlite party, and are now the official domestic political vanguard of imperialism.
Of course, I didn’t want to make any of this public, because I didn’t want to myself contribute anything to damage his campaign or his prospects to victory. Why should I be the one to do that? I disagree with Young, but I don’t want to wreck his life, since I didn’t think he was a bad person. And if his strategy prevails (which I don’t think it will), why should I be the one to get in the way? I also didn’t want to contribute to any unnecessary hostility, meanness, or antagonism. So I simply decided to ignore Young, and let him go his own way.
Young, however, continued to interact with my tweets, becoming more persistent and hostile as the days would go by.
Young Attacks Haz

Young then decided to start outright attacking me, realizing I probably wasn’t going to bring him on my show. Leftists were also DMing him talking shit about me, etc. - so he probably felt pressured to denounce me in some capacity.
He first started accusing me of “undermining other leftists” instead of “undermining Imperialism.”
I simply don’t have patience for this level of senility. Geoff is still living in the 1970’s, and he is effectively demanding I pull him into the present day, where it is an indisputable fact that American leftists are themselves the vanguard of US imperialism. He is simply not up to date as far as the political realities today.
Geoff thinks that running as a ‘peace Democrat,’ as a toothless, pacifist hippie is what undermines imperialism. He is like a senile old man who took too much LSD at Woodstock and still thinks it hasn’t ended. He does not actually address the underlying ideological, political and cultural forces that establish consensus for US imperialism among the urban petty bourgeois, professionals, students, and youth.
He also attacked me for defending myself against Ben Norton. He thinks this sowed ‘disunity,’ because he still thinks Norton works for the Grayzone - not knowing that Norton resigned from the Grayzone, stole the passwords and Adsense revenue from its Youtube channels, and rebranded as a woke leftist, defending soft-power imperialism but pretending to oppose the hard-power kind.
Norton broke with the Grayzone over his position on lockdowns, mandates, and the Canadian Freedom Convoy. Norton believed that Trudeau was more progressive than the ‘fascist’ Canadian Truckers. Of course, Geoff didn’t bother to investigate any of that.
That is since Geoffrey has not read the Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong, which state “No investigation, No right to Speak.” He decides to speak and run his mouth without knowing anything.
An increasing level of evidence began to mount that Geoffrey M. Young took the capitalist road.
Young Crosses the Line
Whatever. All that can still be ignored.
But Young decided to cross the line. When he was actually informed of the context of Ben Norton’s denunciation, he doubled down. He was informed about how Norton was justifying the death of Daria Dugina by calling her a ‘fascist,’ and that therefore, he was justifying the murder of people who he calls ‘fascist.’ Young didn’t seem to find that significant

Again, Young the Senile still thinks we are living in the 1970s and is recalling the Cold War history of Latin America. But he outright disrespects the victims of Ukrainian state terrorism by defending their Western apologists, downplaying the unprecedented significance of the way they rationalize and justify murder. I don’t care of Young is a clueless, bumbling old idiot. There is actual malice underlying his idiocy:
Why Infrared will NEVER Endorse Democrats
Young thinks that the unprecedented threat posed by the importation of Azovite terrorism to the United States, the Democrats today serving as the vanguard of US imperialism, the criminal nature of Democrat-led support for Ukrainian Nazis, etc. can all be overlooked since:

There we have it. The 10%.
Want to know why I would have never endorsed Young? Because of that 10%. The polarization of American politics is only going to accelerate, and the members of both parties will be compelled to take a side. Even if Young was elected into Congress, he will vote with his fellow Democrats, and sacrifice the anti-imperialist agenda. He will do this and justify it in the name of that 10%.
I know this, because every single other ‘true leftist’ elected into congress ended up the same way. When you’re elected into congress, you have to make choices, and decide who you’re going to work with. Do you really mean to tell me Young isn’t going to work with his fellow Democrats, sidelining the anti-imperialist agenda in the name of that precious 10% of ‘abortion and the environment?’ Of course he will.
Even if Young wasn’t a bad person, he would have to do that. It doesn’t matter how good a politician’s position appears. What matters is which organization, which party they are answerable to. Individuals by nature, are social beings. They will inevitably be compelled to the pressures of whatever group, organization or collective they find themselves in. Young even appears especially malleable. The poor old man can’t even help resist the social dynamics of twitter, and ultra-leftists are jerking him around in every which direction to recite the esoteric works of J. Sakai:

As funny as this is, it shows just how much he will cave to the pressures of congress.
Young’s electoral prospects may have significantly increased because of his denunciation of me. He is blowing up on left twitter and becoming very popular among leftists. I for one am not going to try and get in his way. I am all for political chaos. If Young is elected, that is certainly going to be interesting.
If anything, I have done Young the best service I possibly could have, by giving him the opportunity to oppose me. The only way he is getting elected is if he emphasizes he’s pro-abortion, in tandem with the nationwide conman Democrat strategy.
He couldn’t possibly win Democrat votes by emphasizing an anti-imperialist, anti-establishment and populist position.
Maybe he will win. Stranger things have happened. But if he does, what social base is going to keep him in check, as far as his supposed anti-imperialist positions are concerned? Which discipline and of what organization is he going to have to answer to? The retards liking his tweets?
I rest my case. He will answer to his electoral base alone. His electoral base will not give a fuck about anti-imperialism at all, they will only care about the precious 10% (abortion and the environment). In fact, he will probably be pressured to support the Ukro-Nazis.
Maybe I’m wrong. But if I were a betting man, I wouldn’t be betting the good name of Infrared on him. I think he’s either going to fail to get elected, or if he’s elected, he’s going to sell out.
Buckle up, because the collapse of the American state is underway. We just don’t have time for losers like Young.