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Infrared Rising ☀️🦍

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Beautifully exposed, INFRARED RISING 🦍☀

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Should be pinned in your subreddit and publicised more. 10/10 Twitter leftists trashed.

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🤨 am I becoming a...

😳 CryptoCommunist?!

🗓️👀... it IS the 2020's

🥱 Obvs.

🤔Besides, I WAS like The ONLY person who spent the 1990s STILL going HAM railing against TheRedSpectre

🙄And they all laughed

😌You Put The Work In Vince.


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"To reduce any country's history down only to it’s crimes, while also throwing out it’s treasures, is a form of barbarism"

Xi Jinping actually has a term for this: it's called "Historical Nihilism".

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Richard Spencer: "There were these guys that are part of the American Communist Party that were on the space. And I think they're very genuine. And it's funny-- Before I go off on it, how would you describe these characters? So these are all young people, they're very often--"

Spencer supporter (JustACat?): "Brown."

Richard Spencer: "Yes, with the exception of Hinkle, who's just merely short."

JustACat: "Maybe Jewish."

Spencer: "Maybe. I'm not-- He [Jackson Hinkle] doesn't strike me as Jewish. In his mind--"

Spencer supporter (JustACat?): "A Hollywood media family and he's a Communist... It's too on the nose."

Spencer: "I get it, but his mind-- I know I'm like insulting Gentiles here, but if he were Jewish I feel like he would be more nuanced and-- You understand, kind of, like, there would be layers to his thinking. And he just thinks-- like I wouldn't be surprised if he were a Christian fundamentalist or something because he thinks in this two-dimensional, like, plain, algorithmic manner. That was the way I was describing the way they think: it's an algorithm. So, they've listened to other thought leaders, and they get this, like, answer to everything basically. But, yeah, they are young kids. I don't think this is really going anywhere.

"I'm not sure we should, like, spend hours talking about them. They really are AI-generated American Communists as someone said in the chat. There's this AI quality to them, because what is AI outside of scraping opinions from the web. Or it's, an AI image is what an AI thought is. Like an image-- it's like, I want to see-- give me an image of Trump and Adolf Hitler in Disney Land. You know, just this absurd notion. So it will go scrape Trump photos and it will scrape Hitler photos and it will scrape Disneyland Magic Kindgom photos; and it will just kind of, like, blur them together into some scene. And--"

Alberto Barbarossa: "And you'll have Trump and Hitler riding down Space Mountain. It's beautiful."

Spencer: "Exactly. Yes. Well, that makes a lot of sense because Space Mountain was created through Operation Paperclip. Many don't know this. It's a Nazi project that was put on hold in 1945, finally implemented through the anti-Semite Walt Disney. All of this is actually-- I'm joking but what I just said is, like, extremely plausible, in fact. [Laughs] But anyway... It's, like, not wrong. So what I'm saying is, so you'll have like this ridiculous image, and it's scraping and kind of averaging out some scene. And that's what it does with language as well. It no doubt gets a lot from Wikipedia. Grok might be pulling from Twitter, that Twitter is almost like the database for-- So you're getting a copy of a copy as I've said so many times. I'm sure you guys are sick of it. You're getting like this distant memory of a thought articulated in grammatically correct English. And, that's not necessarily wrong. But that's how I view them. They're like AI-generated.

"And the other thing -- what's so funny about them is that they play this game that to be honest Fuentes played very often. He doesn't play it as much now; I think he's gotten a little bit older. But it's this -- I think I've used the metaphor of watching a movie with the sound off. Like you could watch Star Wars and be like, 'Oh, don't you see, like, the Death Star? That's Kamala Harris. And then, like, Luke Skywalker? That's RFK Jr. And he's blowing up Kamala Harris. Don't you see it?' So it's this way of like grafting your fantasies onto something else, but it really has nothing to do with it.

"So they love China at the moment. And who knows, maybe they're paid China shills; I sort of doubt it. So, they've grafted on-- they see China as a success and they're like, 'See, this proves that Marxism-Leninism always wins.' And it's just this, like, bizarre-- I mean, I guess why I associated it with Fuentes, it's like looking at Trump being extremely popular, like a Trump rally, and then concluding, like, 'See, this is why I'm right.' And it's just a fake, kind of counterfeit reasoning, basically. But, they seem to have latched onto China as the success story of Marxism-Leninism. 'And the Soviet Union gave up Marxism-Leninism, but then it also was very unfair that the Soviet Union ever went away.' And, the other thing, if they have some moral value it's basically, like, materialism to the point of, like, animalistic materialism.

"I kept using the image of the Costco family. These-- and I'm sure you guys-- if you follow me on Twitter, I'm sure we've talked about them here. This Costco family of-- they're from New Jersey or whatever. And they're just these gross people, and they'll give 'boom or doom' to stuff you can purchase at Costco. And so it's like, 'Chicken bake versus double chunk chocolate cookie...' They are real and so it's like all this crap you can buy at Costco on the cheap, and how you can just basically stuff your face with highly caloric, highly processed, nutritionally deficient shit. You know? I mean, it's just like-- it's like the, you know, 'He who dies with the most toys wins' or something. It's like, he who can ingest the most calories for the lowest price wins this game of being literally Nietzsche's last man. Like, who can just consume the most stuff? You can have, like, this storage facility outside of town where it's just full of, you know, awesome Baltimore Ravens deck chairs and igloo coolers and, you know, frozen chicken bakes, and, you know, chipotle burrito T-shirts. I'm just-- You can just imagine how stupid this crap is."

Alberto Barbarossa: "I think Costco was actually, like, featured in Idiocracy as I recall where it was just like this sprawl, unending, just like endless--"

Richard Spencer: " 'Welcome to Costco. I love you.' "

Alberto Barbarossa: " 'I love you.' "

Richard Spencer: "So it wasn't even, like, the welcomer. Like 'welcome to Walmart, citizen.' What did they say at Walmart...? ...It's like this false satisfaction. I'm not even totally against Costco. I don't have a membership. My mother bought these, like, uh--

Richard Spencer supporter: "I do have a membership."

Richard Spencer: "Well, good for you. My mother bought these-- I mean, sometimes she'll get all this stuff, and I'm like, 'We don't need this much.' But, um, sometimes-- she did buy these fresh fruit popsicles or something, only at Costco. I've been craving some of those. Anyway, it's not like shopping at Costco is the worst thing in the world. It's fine. It's the idea that you're satisfied by that, or you're defined by it, as opposed to, I don't know, getting 20% off a bunch of steaks. And, I don't know, it really is the, like, totally satisfied, 'God is dead but I don't care' last man imaged in these people -- this like animalistic desire for mere material sustenance, sustenance towards obesity. And, it is just so horrifying.

"But it was funny 'cause I kind of brought up the Costco people, and the answer of these kids is like, 'Well they're communists. Like, this is what it will be like under communism. It will be just a giant Costco.' So Marxism-Leninism (whatever the fucking hell that means to these people) just basically -- it's like fulfilled through Chinese society, which is a horrifying ant hill, and even, like, American, like, lower middle-class consumerism or something. It's just, I have to say it might very well be the worst thing I've ever imagined. But go-- if you want to jump in, Cat, 'cause there's more to it than that. I don't know why we're talking about this, but let's just bash on something and then we'll start to talk about something worthwhile, but go ahead."

Spencer supporter (Cat): "So, the whole new allegiance to China really came from Haz and Hinkle pre [before] Russia's 2020's invasion of Ukraine. That was sort of their schtick, especially Haz al-Din. Then once the invasion of Ukraine happened, they sort of moved on to Russia, and I think we both-- I think everyone here has seen the video of Hinkle and Haz in a tank in Russia doing propaganda videos for the Russian military and all of that stuff. Although I find it interesting (and I don't want to go into a huge tangent on this) -- but I do wonder what will happen considering that China's been periodically lowering its financial investments into Russia over the course of the past couple of years -- I wonder if there's another Sino-Soviet split which side they'll fall on."

Spencer: "That's interesting."

Cat: "Right. But, yeah yeah. I remember I made this one comment to Harold, you know, after I was calling them, you know, dumb brown people. But I asked him if he felt proud of having this moral compulsion to defend these sort of very low, like, base, animal people because they're 'the workers' or 'the proletariat,' and, you know, if he thought it might be better to just abandon them and move on to some sort of higher form of being that was not like a noble, poor idiot in a factory. And they got very very angry at me."

Spencer: "Yeah, they did. Well, it's also this-- They are taking that from Marx. I mean, Marx clearly thought that the proletariat would, almost unwittingly, become the vanguard of history and really the meaning of history; they'd be the final episode in this class battle, and, in a way, because they had nothing to lose and because they were going to be mistreated by capitalism and have the value that they put into the product, you know, stolen by the owners of -- et cetera -- that they would almost unwittingly become this new force of history and bring about communism. So they are getting that from actual Marxism, but I don't know, it's weird to look-- Needless to say, that didn't happen.

-- RadixJournal Substack, "The Unnecessary Podcast" (September 3, 2024)

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