Absolutely refuted, no question. Infrared rising, Mmerican hegemony deteriorating.

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๐Ÿฆ โ˜€๏ธ ๐Ÿฆ โ˜€๏ธ ๐Ÿฆ โ˜€๏ธ ๐Ÿฆ

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Thank you!, great article. (I'm forcing my friends and family to read it).

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Mar 3, 2022ยทedited Mar 3, 2022

๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ ๐Ÿ’ช

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> "Russia is presently governed by a type of popular front,"

Like, for real? This is next level retarded.

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Why not write some of merit refuting every point made, instead of dismissing it.

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Well, I guess, I can oblige you with a bit of copypaste. This is what I wrote in Hinkle's UT channel comments:

Putin thinks the Soviet Union was a continuation of "historical Russia" (as in, the Russian Empire of 1914). And he hates the Bolsheviks and particularly Lenin for putting "timebombs" in the foundation of the Soviet Union/Russia by making it _de jure_ a confederacy of sovereign republics. The fact that the Soviet Union was assembled on totally different foundations and for different purposes than "historical Russia", completely eludes him. Putin supported the full restoration of capitalism that he personally profited from, but he bemoans the fact that the national republics broke away in the process (in which he wasn't personally involved). He is not alone in this take. Many Russian nationalists share it. In fact, this Putin's speech was most likely written in bulk by the former culture minister Medinsky (also a Vladimir, look him up on wikipedia), who is a widely known exponent of such views.

In other words, Putin wishes he and his cronies had more territory and resources to plunder and people to exploit. He also wanted to be accepted as equal in the "high society" of the West, and the fact that he has been made into this global boogeyman makes him more unhappy than anybody else.

Fun fact: Putin was mentioned by Klaus Schwab in 2017 in the same sentence with Justin Trudeau as his WEF's "young global leader"! Apparently, he became one in the early 1990s, when he was a corrupt foreign commerce official at the townhall of St. Petersburg (under his former professor turned rabid anticommie mayor Sobchak) and facilitated dealings between the Russian mob and shady German entrepreneurs through firms registered in the principality of Liechtenstein... [deals that ranged from selling Soviet stockpiles of rare earth minerals to drug trafficking]

So that's why all his saber rattling at the Ukraine's border for the past 7 years (after the Minsk accords were signed) was nothing but a bluff. But this time his bluff got called by the West (because the West needs this hot war in the aftermath of the War on Covid and to proceed further with its Orwellian "Great Reset"). So they left Putin with no choice but to invade. And an invasion it is. BTW, there is this elephant in the room that the annexation of Crimea has not been conceded by the Ukraine, or recognized at the UN level. So, regardless of the status of the eastern separatist controlled regions up to now, technically, the current events are but an escalation of an invasion/occupation of Ukraine by Russia that's been already ongoing since 2014.

As for the people of Donetsk and Lugansk, Putin couldn't care less about them. Right now the local male population is being conscripted to be used as expendable fodder in front of the Russian army, as the push to "liberate" the Ukraine occupied areas of the newly recognized republics - beyond the Minsk accords' ceasefire line (which is about 3/4 of their "constitutional" territory, including the cities of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and Mariupol - the latter being the base of your beloved Azov battalion) - is being mounted...

[This was written on the eve of the invasion, when it seemed that Putin was only going to limit the "special operation" to the Donbass region and then return to dragging the dead cat by the tail in the game of trying to make Washington concede the annexation of Crimea and to shove the Donbass back into Ukraine with its new "sovereign" status, necessitating a constitutional reform that would allow a greater political control of Moscow over Kiev. But when the Germans cut of the NordStream2 pipeline again (in response to the recognition of sovereignty), which forced the full-scale invasion in an attempt to restore control over the Ukrainian pipeline. Which is all Putin and his kleptocratic regime's foreign politics ever was about - the natural gas pipelines.]

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Did you even read the article? Russia was looted and plunged into chaos during the 1990s by capitalism as it exists- as a structure inseparable from its domination by the west, based in London, New York, and Washington. To understand his position you have to acknowledge the obvious fact that pure 'free-market capitalism' does not exist and has not existed for decades. Read Hudson. Read about the dollar and Bretton-Woods. Putin facilitated the re-nationalization of Gazprom and made the Russian oligarchs pay taxes- the Russian standard of living between 1990 and 2020 speaks to the results. Marx predicted the centralization of capital, but what you misunderstand is the extent to which this centralized capital is represented on the world stage by the United States and its allegedly multilateral institutions, and the extent to which at a high level of centralization, the very conditions of free-market economics become irrelevant. Look at the Oil Industry; look at the military industrial complex. Are these firms which can be stood in the classic sense without contextualization in the states with which they are integrated? This is what Putin's Popular Front is against. Leftists who discount the importance of these facts are the ones living in a simplistic fantasy, but they are half way there! keep reading!

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Tell me more about Russia, bro, while I'm playing my balalaika and drinking vodka with my pet bear... M'kay?

As for Gazprom, it was never privatized, so Putin could not re-nationalize it. Get your facts straight. What he and his pal Miller really did with it, though, was that they funneled the revenue from it into all sorts of ventures of zero benefit to the general public like sponsorship of sports clubs and building palaces for themselves (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millerhof).

As for the standard of living in Russia, it is true that it went up in the 2000s, as the oil prices grew, so yeah, the populace got some crumbs while the oligarchs pocketed the bulk of the money. But then 2014 happened and since then the standards of living have been on the steady decline due to the fall in oil prices and the West's sanctions over the annexation of Crimea.

There was a plan to take over the whole of Ukraine and probably divide it between Russia and the EU (Merkel), and it could be done relatively easily because the Ukrainian military wasn't equipped or motivated at all, and the population in the South and East of the country was mostly friendly towards Russia at the time. But Putin backed out of the project, because he is a coward and an idiot, and he kept hoping to push through his gas pipelines projects and shove the Donbass back into Ukraine as per the Minsk accords, and eventually somehow reconcile with the West. Now, after 7 years he finally realized that he got "tossed" (defrauded) and was left with no options but this war, which is going to be a bloody mess, lasting for many years (as they say, "the US will fight Russia till the last Ukrainian"), which will likely lead to the eventual collapse of Russia, even if it manages to win he war, which does not seem like a given at this point.

So, please, STFU about "Putin's Popular Front". The notion is DERANGED.

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Who cares about free market economics? Capitalism is the mode of production dominated by capital, by the imperative to maximize capital, and that imperative is the leading motive behind all the actions of the very highest levels of these transatlantic, globalist institutions of Western hegemony, and that imperative is also behind Putin's actions Ukraine, elevating the war far beyond some merely defensive opersation for Donbas but into a full scale invasion of Ukraine.

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Sorry, don't have time to debunk every ridiculous post on the internet point by point. If the author wishes to live in a fantasy world of his own creation, and his fans are willing to join him there, then so be it. It's postmodernism, baby!

But I hope Hakim takes this bait.

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Are you on Twitter or Discord? I would like to learn more about your perspective.

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No, I am not.

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Cope, seethe, and dilate.

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Glenn and Assange are good litmus tests, if you take either seriously, you're a patsy/mark and automatically ignored.

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retarded pseudo intellectual lmao

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Jun 4, 2022ยทedited Jun 4, 2022

Strelkov has described exactly why tankies are so seriously stupid. He created "novorossiya", he should know why it is a magnet of apologia, disaster, and human rights catastrophe. It is one thing for tankies to ignore torture and filtration camps - we expect that - but the way that Haz argues that a STRONG ruble is good shows how deeply stupidity is part of the tankie brand. Even if they tried to do real materialist analysis, Putinites are just uniformly dumb. At least Kadyrov is honest about enjoying torture and child brides. Tankies should aspire to that kind of animalistic consistency.

Haz seems like a good example of why Russians see Armenians, Ukrainians, Dagestanis, Buryati, etc, as disposable, he is definitely some kind of mutt sub-ethnicity that no Orc would want in the dacha next door. Strictly untermenschen.

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Apr 15, 2022ยทedited Apr 15, 2022

๐Ÿค”... This Commie Bastard does NOT come off as an some overeducated moralizing Moron made out of(MixedNMatched parts-bin Moron parts originally meant to be primary pieces for putting together multiple Previously made mediocre models of many multitudes of)Other Morons pissing Platitudes into the wind, promoting the power of Pronouns, preaching the promise of staying Alert & AWARE of ANY ANNOUNCEMENT of TheAUTHORATIVE SOURCES And Act Accordingly by ALWAYS Making Sure 2 B Sure U R Piously PLAYING ALONG In Public By ALWAYS Practicing In Private to make sure to be making Sure To Believe In The Power Of Power, For the sake of WokePower AND also in WokishFolkMagic Less Ye Be Led Astray By Listening 2 The Sound Of The Words Whispered On The Wind Said by Surfing Assadist Apologists And Assets of russiaRussiaRUSSIA For They Are Getting GROOMerED (And NOT In A Great or Even Good Way As It Otherwise Is Almost Always) And Feeding On ReeeepublicanTalkingPoints That TheReeeeeeeeePublican Groomers Grooming Her Are Reading Her Thru An AirPod In Her Ear & Sent over the RadioWaves She isn't Surfing From A Fellow TalkyTalkalkTalking On A WalkyTalky Who WalkyWalkWalkWalks ALotLike looks ALOT Like & TOTALLY TALK(ingPoint)S Like... Fucking... like... TuckerFucking...


โ˜๏ธand... Russinlly RoughHousing Around In A RadicallyFarExtraFarExtremllyFarFarRightWing Way With... No... With... cant be... But it is.. with



. โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿ™„ that's how I'm used to hearing so-called-(because-they-claim-to-be-)Marxists sound like...

And Although I'm Justa dumb

BOO(but a boomer born after the boom of the a-bomb that brought about the boomers but also a boomer born B4 the first millennials even landed, let alone B4 they let all the millennials-out-on-the-loose!)MER who doesn't have a college degree... & obvs kept getting duped by & Will continue getting duped by that OrangeMan if he is even tweeterTexts out a twit-post of 8's๐Ÿ‘/EghtsPeach on zocialMedia ever again, zo thanks.

Now I'm no fan of Karlos de la Marxado(YOU FOOL!) i know... But to my IgnorantFarRightConservativeEars:


Are NOT Marxists But NeoMarxists Cuz They Give Off The Same Phoney Vibes All Neo-X+ists of NeoAnyIdeology Give Off Who Want To Be Associated With X-Ideology But Don't Want To Adhere To Certain Basic or Particular Integral Tennents Because It's Too Inconvenient!!(not trivializing, if a Fundamental Tennent of X was adopting a Vegan or an Atkins(NoCarb) diet, it's just an all day permanent Inconvenience but if You want to follow X go all the way, maybe the diet was Intentionally designed to discourage attracting a Particular kind of person that with some unrelated character trait that correlates with people who are very attached to certain eating habits vs someone else who doesn't really care much about what kind of foods they can or cannot ever have again.)

โ˜๏ธ Let's say You are a MultiMillionaire who made & is making Millions Monetizing, Legitimizing & CulturallyCementing themselves in the PublicConscious as A Political/Religious Guru of and/or within a Particular Ideology... ๐Ÿค”... like...


โœ‹wait. NM, that's it's OWN thing and Not Already Established (I mean not Seemingly broadly Established but... NOT a parody and NOT a Movement That Tolerates Even The Slightest GoodFaith Insinuation That it's a good or Jus4Funsies but might be a Jus2BaitRandosIn2EvenDaring2AskThemselvesIfTheyShouldImplyTheyAreNotDieHardCoreAllAboutWhateverCoreConceptsTheyFoundThatThatParticularSynthesis... ๐Ÿ-"Sssssynthesized"

But... Say Your A MultiMillionaire Preaching some kinda Marxist Socialism to Abuncha Mostly MiddleClass Teenz-To-20Somethings Usually LowKey Just Legitimizing Them To Hate BlueCollar(AmericanWorkingClass)Folks, A BROAD RANGE OF VERY VERY DIVERSE GROUP & OVER A VERY BROAD RANGE IN MANY CASES VERY UNINTUITIVE RANGE OF OCCUPATIONS WITH INCOMES RANGING FROM $0.00/Year to(the highest anecdotal outlier from hotel janitor to hotel maintenance worker to shipyard worker Re-Painting Ships for The Navy to foreman due2 work ethic & labor recruiter/HR due2 being PuertoRican A.F. ... well due to Being bilingual & was always needed to translate H.R. process so may as well have him do it instead of translating to anyone else... to Hey! why don't I just Become the A Contractor & bid on Jobs now that I know the processes OWN Conrunning companies while owning and especially accumulating little or no "capital"

Win Contract To Paint a Ship. Find enough Qualified & Availabile Workers, schedule huddle Negotiate Floor(Lowest Pay Each was Willing to work Job For) 4 Each Job for Each Position, consider all factors other than LaborCost and don't just put the Minimum possible but get a Rep of HighestPaying Contractor to SubContractors, win contract, when won call shipyard and contract, reserve drydock, order paint wait for October, dont microManage &/or delegate your work to Team, delegate manager responsibilities but set the pace & lead by Example of PaintingTheFuckOutOfThisShip, finish ahead of shedule & Everyone gets the same extra-off time bonus Step7 Profit keeping your Contractor HQ in yer Parents Garage & Hiring Yerself To Work As One of Your SubContractors Who Works Along With Everyone. Continue Exploiting Yourself for TheEDGE that "Intentionally Ensuring You Have Overlapping Interests With


(โœ…TheSubs or TheGov?) & With Whom You can build a Relationship With When Choosing What

โœ…Product/Service To Offer

4Sale: (TheSub'sLabor OR

โœ…TheGov's Stolen[Taxed]CashFromStolen[Property]Land as it gives you over Traditional

Top Down/Out-of-Garage "If I Only Knew What My Workers Are All About I Could Increase Productivity... Hey! Let's Hire More Consultants From TheWhiteLiberal!")


(My 4-figure income is $6,000.00/

$6k PetroDollars/yr in NYC obvs with multiple pub.assist progs so after $10k it gets kinda abstract to me $100k/$1,000k/$1M/$10B

(Depending On A Sometimes Complicated Array Of Circumstances (PAST & Present) People)


โ˜๏ธLet's take Economist, Philosopher, PoliticalScientist, Activist, Agitator, Poet & WorkingClassHero: TheHonorable Dr. SirComrade-Professor:HassanAbi P.B.U.H. Champion Of ThePeople,

BernieBro of Everyone But Lenin's BestBro, Our

|High|Van|Guardian| of TheProletariatsVGParty ScourgeOf|Spies|, Traitors, Kulaks &

Landlords RentSeeking $6k/yr


๐Ÿ™„-"No Hassan"

โœŠ๐Ÿป๐Ÿง”๐Ÿป-"What The Fuck, Bro you are POOR, why are you looking out for the rich you dumb Bitch!"

๐Ÿ˜-"It's Less About Keeping It IN Their Hands & More About Keeping It From Being Consolidated Under One Moron & Falling Into His/Hym/Herpz Hands or

They/Them/DEMs Hands.

What About You?

you HyperKulak!?!?"

โœŠ๐Ÿป๐Ÿง”๐Ÿป-"Bro I NEEDED a house! But Not for NOT 4 ME But FOR My MOM, She Woulda been homeless otherwise and

SOOOO... I had to have a House, I can't help it if this is how much Homes are, That's why I Stream So Hard Everyday, I Can't Help it If TheRevolution Is Crystalizing Around Me! its Easy, You Want A Million?

Just Write A Book or Start Streaming, if You Already are,





& Just Don't Get Banned. StreaM:HARD|DREAM:HarD &

#JusDonTBRacist: !!"

๐Ÿ˜-"OfficerPiker! You


PatrolmanPiker! You WileyWhiteWigglyWorm... Why Were You SecretlyOnSurflineWorldWideWebbingWithWeaponizedWorkersOfTheWorldWendesday

Don't Be Getting me All RiledUp OverYour GoofyAss! GusanoLite NotSoNeoGusano NotEvenNeo-Gusano #NeoNutsoGusano NeoNaziGroomerGuy

Two Things You Can't Be Because Ya CAN'T

A. A WhiteMillionaireMarxist.



B. A WhiteMuslimUnWedSexHaver.(86theMuslimPart)

C. Can YOU Be A MuslimMarxist No.

Can U B A MarxistMuslim? Not Really. At Least Not the TheWay Hassan "Thinks" Mean.

That 2Opie22 guy CrackerAss WhiteLiberal SandCracker Hoss

STILL Wants WhitEthnoKommunistState To Be Established on Epstein's Island

๐Ÿค”Soo What IS Hassan's WhiteBitchIdeology?

. โ˜…ReVolutionary๐Ÿ•ถ๏ธBroCialistโ˜…

. ๐Ÿค˜๐ŸปDo YOU๐Ÿ˜ŽBRO Marx?๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿป

. "#DoYouEvenMarxBro?"

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Incredibly based and schizopilled

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